Monday, March 21, 2005

Try-finally: an addition

Um, one addition to the last post: the "create my own transaction if I'm not already under one" code fits into another already mentioned category, the contexts. A transaction is naturally a contextual property, it doesn't need to be passed down object or caller hierarchy. The under_transaction generator (or template, or macro, call it whatever you like :)) should really put its newly created Transaction object into a contextual variable, thus automatically making it available to any code that needs it.

And another thing, before things started sounding simple: an intelligent code generator could be able to detect what's going on in the rest of the code. In the example with the transaction, we had

// some code

It would be good if the code generator could be aware of the parts of "some code" that would really be using its transaction. It could then wrap its code more tightly around it.

How could it do this? With refactoring. But not the refactoring we know today - machines would really need simpler refactorings, something we humans wouldn't even call refactorings. Like, tightening a try-finally block. (Yes, I know, this is what optimizers routinely do. Note that I didn't say the code generator should do its own refactoring/optimization :)). But, more on that later.

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